Shaowei Cui (崔少伟)
I am now working in The State Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artifical Intelligence System (多模态人工智能系统全国重点实验室,MAIS), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中科院自动化所,CASIA) as an Research Assistant(助理研究员).
My research interests include Visuotactile Sensors, Visual-Tactile Perception, and Dexterous Manipulation.
- 2023-11-21 Our new paper on GelStereo sensors GelStereo BioTip: Self-Calibrating Bionic Visuotactile Fingertip for Robotic Manipulation was accepted by IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH) (JCR Q1). Congratulations!!!
- 2023-08-21 Our new paper on GelStereo sensors GelStereo 2.0: An Improved GelStereo Sensor with Multi-Medium Refractive Stereo Calibration was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (JCR Q1). Congratulations to Chaofan!!!
- 2023-08-06: Our paper High-Fidelity Tactile Imprint Simulation with Visuotactile Sensors won the IEEE ICMA 2023 Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics.
- 2023-05-15: Our new paper on Tactile Imprint Simulation “High Fidelity Tactile Imprint Simulation of Visuotactile Sensors” was accepted by IEEE ICMA 2023.
- 2023-05-06: Our two new papers on GelStereo simulation “Contact Volumetric Mesh Simulation of GelStereo Visuotactile Sensors” and Visuotac Endoscope “Prototype of A Novel Visuotactile Endoscope Probe” were accepted by IEEE-CYBER 2023.
- 2023-04-24: Our new paper on learning-based visuotactile slip perception “Learning-based Slip Detection for Dexterous Manipulation Using GelStereo Sensing” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (JCR Q1).
- 2023-02-24: Our new paper on Refractive Calibration of GelStereo-type sensors “Refractive Calibration Study for 3D Contact Shape Measurement of GelStereo-type Sensors” was accepted by Sensors (JCR Q1). Congratulations to Chaofan!!
- 2023-01-16: Our new paper on GelStereo visuotactile sensing “GelStereo Palm: a Novel Curved Visuotactile Sensor for 3D Geometry Sensing” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (JCR Q1). Congratulations to Jingyi!!